
Myfitness - Multifunction Performance / Power Gym

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MyFitness... Function and Style

Ian Potter founded My Fitness in 2014 after spending 15 years in the industry. He had previously developed a successful personal training business and a large private health club.

Ian decided to create a new venture to develop his passion for the industry and people. “I saw changes in the way the fitness industry was evolving and I did not like all of what I was seeing. A lot of what I witnessed was too ‘standard’. Too many instructors tell clients: ‘you must do this exercise, for this number of reps, for this number of sets, this many times a week’, and they were saying the same thing to a 21 year-old rugby player as they were to a 50+ business executive.

“To me, every person is different and unique so how can one method fit all? Why are so many fitness professionals telling clients to do things that even they don’t do themselves? Or even worse, telling clients to do the same exercises as their personal routine, when they are living a completely different lifestyle.

“To put it simply, this is not right and therefore I wanted to separate myself from this growing mentality of what I call ‘conveyer belt fitness’.”


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